Thursday, December 4, 2008

My Journey to Making Money Online is Full of Surprise

Last Monday I found that my AdSense ads placement on this blog was disabled by Google. I have written a post here to share with people how this happens to me. You might want to read it to know about my mistake so that you don't fall into the same mistake when using AdSense to make money online.

I was kinda blur after I discovered that I can no longer use AdSense here. I've been using AdSense for more than 2 years, it consistently contributes more than 80% of my online income but suddenly I can't use it anymore on my main blog.

I did send an email to Google AdSense team to ask whether I can have another chance to display Adsense ads again on I waited a week for a reply. But didn't got one. So, I thought their decision is final.

Without AdSense my income is seriously affected. So, for the past few days, I made some major chances to this blog. I first changed the template of this blog. I got this new template from There are a number of free and professional Blogger templates in the site. I selected the one I like. I also changed the way I made money using this blog. I will focus on selling private ads.

But yesterday morning Google AdSense team replied to my email that I sent earlier to appeal for my AdSense ads re-enable on this blog. The reply is a good news. They re-enabled my AdSense ads placement on I will see AdSense ads appear on this blog again within 48 hours.

I appreciate the assistance of Google AdSense team. They really take the time to read my email and let me use Adsense on this blog again.

Now AdSense ads are back on this blog. I'm thinking what should I do next to make the most out of this blog. Should I switch back to my old template to continue earning consistent AdSense revenue or stay in this new template with low Adsense income but will have several income sources (AdSense, private ads and link sales)? These questions came up in my mind.