I am now looking for guest writers to contribute content to this blog. Anyone can submit guest

What benefits I will gain publishing a guest post here?
Search Engine Traffic
You will get search engine (Google) traffic from MoneyMaKerInfo.blogspot.com. MoneyMaKerInfo.blogspot.com currently ranks #1 for the keyword 'make money money' and top 3 on several other related and popular keywords in Google.com. The unique visitors of this blog are about 1,450 in average daily.
Your guest post will be included with an anchor text link and an url to your website to attract traffic. Your links will be placed in the author bio of your guest post.
The preferred topics are make money online, affiliate marketing, Internet marketing, online business, online freelancing, blogging, eBay business, e-commerce, AdSense, webmaster and any other topics that related to these field.
For the length of the guest post, I accept both long and short blog posts. If you are writing an article, an informative blog post or a how-to post, the preferred length is 450 words or more.
There are a lot of websites and programs paying people to do something on the Internet. If you know about this websites or used them before. You may share your experience and describe how the program has helped you. The preferred length for this type of post is 250 words or more. The program your are writing for must be real and legit. No paid to read, paid to surf and etc.. Also no review style post that promote a paid course or system. The post should be more on sharing your experience and giving information on how the program works. Here's the types of post I'm looking for:
I accept only unique blog post that haven't published on anywhere.
If you are interested to submit a guest post, just send your post with your author bio and link details to: