While many people think the only way to make money online is to build your own website or blog and start from there, Piggy Bankin is one website in particular that bucks that trend. Piggy

Piggy Bankin is based off the concept of IFW's, or Incentivized Freebie Websites. IFW's are sites that provide special rewards, usually money, in exchange for you completing Free Trial Offers. In short, Piggy Bankin refers you to IFW's where you spend a small amount of money (for shipping normally) on Free Trial Offers. Once you complete the necessary requirements on the site you are considered Piggy Bankin's completed referral and you will be paid $100.
Stage 1 takes no skill and WILL make you $100 if you follow their simple instructions.
Stage 2 is the most important part of the system. After the completion of Stage 1, PiggyBankin will give you over $200 worth of resources to get yourself started on Stage 2. With some dedication, YOU can be making a legitimate income online using Stage 2.
Since Piggy Bankin knows what it takes to make money using Stage 2, they will act as your very own mentor until you are ready to go off on your own!
The only current drawback of Piggy Bankin is that it is only available to residents of the US, UK, and Canada, but if you aren’t located in one of the above places I still suggest subscribing (by submitting your name and email in the form) so you can take advantage of some other great money making information.
Just go to Piggybankin.com, fill out your name and email address and receive The PiggyBankin System!
Does Piggy Bankin really work?
By Alan Liew
As with all money making ventures, I often receive this question. This is one of the very few sites that I can say without a doubt that it DOES work. People are already using their system and getting PAID.
If you need some extra money, Piggy Bankin is a program that I recommend you give it a try. Also, if you subscribe at Piggy Bankin you will receive frequent emails on even MORE ways to make money online.
Well folks the choice is yours, start making money online now with http://www.piggybankin.com!