The blog marketing is not something that will return a thousand dollars in weeks. This is the wrong impression that most of the people have. The blog marketing is something that takes dedication and hard work and there might be zero positive outcomes immediately. You have to be patient to reap the fruits of your hard work and dedication. At start it may seem that there is too much hard work and very little or no return. But if you stay focused and keep moving in the right direction, you will see that after some times your dreams will come true and you will have hundreds and thousands of visitors every day to your blog.
There are many things that can help you to market your blog effectively. You can do simple things by leaving comments on others’ blogs. This is the simplest way to get some traffic. You should visit the similar blogs and then leave interesting comments there to attract the visitors to your own blog. These visitors can then become readers if they like your content. At start this may not seem the right thing to market the blog and you may wonder what help it could be of, but once you start doing this, you will like it and you will have the visitors as well. You will realize it after some time and patience is the key here.
You should also make regular posts in your blog. Keep it updated and do not forget it at all. The readers like blogs that are updated regularly. So, it will help your visitors and readers come back to your blog again and again.
Monitor the traffic by knowing the stats. You should know where the traffic is coming from. You should know which search engines is directing the traffic and which one is not directing the traffic. Once you know the problem area, research more about that search engine. Look for the keywords that are benefiting you and those that are not helping you.
With all these things done right, there is no way that you will not have millions of visitors to your blog.