If you want to build residual income on the internet you should look into Google AdSense. The opportunities out there to make money with AdSense offer beginners the best change of

The disadvantage to this is that all of these article websites that pay members are revenue sharing systems. You get to publish articles on their website that will achieve high search engine rankings because that website is an authority. Then after you get a good understanding of this business model you learn how to build your own website in which you do not have to share revenue.
This is basically article distribution. The only difference is you are writing articles for money instead of links to your website. Websites that you can write articles on and get paid for it are referred to commonly on the web as "paid to write" websites. These types of websites make it easy to build nice looking articles with little to no HTML skills. Then those pages will be indexed by search engines, especially Google and yahoo. They deliver free traffic to your articles and when someone clicks on the ads you get paid for it.
Eventually you can upgrade to building your own website. I did this myself. I started out on Hubpages where you can write articles that get lots of page views. Those articles have

Once you learn how how to build a search engine friendly website you can use AdSense to create multiple streams of income. The type of AdSense you use on paid article sites is called "AdSense for content". It is for monetizing content pages hints the name. You can also place AdSense ads on RSS feeds, site search results, mobile webpages, and domains. When you have your own website built you will have all these options since you can easily create a site search engine using Google's tools, build a RSS Feed with Feedburner, convert your pages into mobile ones, and you will of course have tons of content pages to place AdSense ads.
Once you complete this you just let your website run on autopilot. You may want to add some things that will increase the amount of residual income that you make such as an autoresponder ecourse that you either charge money for or contains affiliate links that will earn you commissions on products if you do not have your own. Both options are good money makers. Another thing you can do to increase your amount of residual income is incorporate user generated content. You do this by buying software that you can use on your site that will allow site visitors to create their own pages within your site.
Soon your site will double in pages. There is one product that stands alone in this niche. It is called Content 2.0. It is a software product offered by SiteSell for $100 a year. It easily allows site visitors to create their own content pages that will get indexed by the search engines and return significant traffic to your site. The best part is you can make money with AdSense using this product. On each user generated content page small discrete AdSense link units appear. They earn you substantial money and do not appear to be spammy due the little amount of space they take up.
Author Bio:
There are multiple ways to make money with AdSense using your own website. For more ways to make money online visit his personal website where you can learn more about AdSense plus many other ways to make money online.