1) Make the Most out of Keyword Research Tools
There are both free and paid tools you can use to help you find the most profitable keywords within your niche. As a beginner, it is recommended for you to settle for free ones and then go for the more extensive paid tools once your campaign becomes more profitable.
2) Always Group Similar Keywords
Never combine different keywords into one advertisement group. You need to make sure that all keywords within one ad group are similar. For example, "how to make money blogging" and "make money blogging" should be grouped together but "blog profits" should not be placed in the same group. Grouping your ads properly is crucial to your Google Adwords success.
3) Include Keywords in your Copy
The most profitable keywords you find through keyword research tools should be included in your copy. Just be sure that you use the right keywords in your copy for each ad group that you have. Although your ad will surely appear in whatever search results you've paid for, making use of the keywords in your ad will allow for lower CPC and a higher advertisement position. Your ad will also be more visible as keywords in searches are displayed in bold.
4) Set your Daily Budget
Make sure you set your daily budget to a reasonable amount. Don't set it too high that you may end up overspending. Don't set it too low either as you may not achieve ideal results. Keep in mind that you are still experimenting at this stage. Once you find the most profitable strategies for your own Google Adwords campaign, you can start slowly increasing your daily budget.
These are four tips you need to keep in mind when starting out with Google Adwords. Follow them and you won't have to put up with the costs of trial and error as you can immediately achieve success will Google Adwords.