If you haven't heard of Brute Force Evo II yet, you have to check this out. It is the most anticipated SEO software ever...and it has just been released!
First off, you can go to Brute Force Evo II to TRY and get in right now. There is a cap to how many people can be members and they do stick to it! It took me a couple months to get in on the

You can test drive this powerful software for a full 7 days for free if you get in fast enough! This is being capped off at the first 5,000 people and it WILL sell out.
How do you make money online using this software? It will get your websites to the top of Google and that is where all the traffic is. Traffic equals sales! Simple as that. If you are not on the first page of the search results, forget about getting enough traffic to make sales.
Also, you can start your own SEO business using this software. For local SEO results, nothing compares to Brute Force EVO II. It can totally dominate the whole page of Google for YOUR customers website in hours. All you do is take your customers website URL, input it into the software with the keywords you want to rank for and it will do the rest. Call up local dentists, contractors, whatever you can think of and you can charge them monthly fees to use YOUR services. Nothing could be easier and there are instructions on how to do this in the forum for members.
A complete Newbie can use Evo II! You don't have to know everything about SEO to make it work. Just take your URL, plug in your keywords and let the robot make you money! Don't have a website? Make a free blog for an affiliate product, throw in your AdSense code and go to it! Then, start making more and more websites...soon you will have multiple top ranked websites.
The software will automatically create accounts that you use again again for link building. These sites include Digg, Youtube, Twitter, Ezine articles, Feedage, Facebook and MANY more. You can then build backlinks to those accounts and over time they will be super POWERFUL. It's called building your SEO backbone. When I submit an article on one of my accounts, it will typically be on the first page of Google in minutes if there is 1 million or less competition. You can do this too! There is more on this inside the members forum.

There is way too much to list on what this software can do for you, but here is a small example. It will accomplish what would normally take 64 hours to do by hand in 5 minutes of your time:
• Promotes your articles to the top Article Directories on the Internet.
• Provides links on the top social bookmarking websites on the Internet.
• Submits your RSS feeds and your new sites RSS feeds to the top RSS Aggregators on the Internet while at the same time, mashing your new URL's and existing RSS feeds and then promoting these new feeds to the top RSS aggregators on the Internet.
• Gives the ability to promote your links to the top Video Directories on the Internet. You can even do this without making your own video!
• Here's the kicker! Ever heard of Angelas backlinks? You create high PR profiles on authority sites gaining amazing contextual backlinks to your website --- raising your websites ranking FAST! As I am typing this, I am watching the software go into the free email account it created for me where it is automatically verifying all the emails from Angelas list of high PR sites and posting my links on those sites! Too easy! This used to take me days and now I can do it for 10+ sites in one day!
I have been a member of Peter Drews Brute Force SEO Since '08 and it is the best thing that ever happened to me. I tried nearly everything out there and have canceled every other subscription but this one. When I started using this software is when I finally started making money online. No B.S.
I have to say this again: This new software is fully automated!! It is crazy! Nothing out there even comes close. If you are new to SEO then you probably don't understand everything that goes into it and you don't need to. The software will do it for you. You will never have to fill out a captcha or verify emails again!
There is WAY too much to list on this post, so go watch this video right now and check it out yourself!
Brute Force Evo II and take the test drive for free for 7 days if you still can! This will sell out fast!
To those of you lucky enough to get in, I will see you inside in the forum where we talk about how to dominate Google and share our tips and tricks. Forget all the other "Act now!" making money online offers on the internet right now. This one is the real deal. I currently have multiple number one websites in several different niches and it is all from using this Brute Force Evo II software. They range from affiliate websites to lead capture pages for large mortgage companies that I sell on a per lead basis. I do not use any pay per click advertising -- all organic search traffic! I don't pay for clicks so its all profit.
This is the best way for you to start making money online - hands down. See you on too long!