But what are the differences between Clickbank and Google Adsense? They have the same goal, which is to help people in monetizing their website or blog. But these top revenue programs are specifically competed themselves to be the best revenue program ever. More and more people are beginning to have interest in putting their ads to their website or blog, whether it’s Google Adsense or Clickbank, but whose better?
Google Adsense is a pay-per-click program which allows the publisher to earn money through

Of course, you’re not allowed to click your own ads because it’s called a fraudulent click which Google is very smart in detecting the IP of the one’s who click the same ads on your blog or website. The earnings really depend on the keywords and niche you have included in your website or blog, because there are high paying keywords and low paying keywords as well. You can check it using the Google Adsense Keyword Tool, or the Google Trends. You can also pay to others for advertising your own Adsense which their site must have huge traffic and high PR. Google Adsense has a minimum payment of $100 through Western Union or mailed check.
On the other hand, Clickbank is a pay-per-sale program which allows the publisher to earn

So far, there are more users who use Clickbank ads rather than Google Adsense. In terms of making money through our website or blog, Google Adsense and Clickbank is a great tandem, and it’s possible to combine them together in your website or blog as we earn much more than sticking to just one program.