If you're like me or the 600,000 other people who lost their jobs in January of 2009 alone, you are probably desperate to find a way to replace your lost revenue and take care of your family.
I decided that rather than let some corporation control my fate and dictate my life, I would take matters into my own hand and find a way to make money online with my own business.
Of course I had no idea of where to start. My friend James had been laid off since November of 2008 (he had been working as a waiter at a diner near the Ford plant in Cleveland that was shut down). He always talked about the people that were making a killing online with their own business but I thought he was just another dreamer wasting his time thinking he could become the next online millionaire.
I used to make fun of James when we would all get together to play World of Warcraft at our friend Steve's apartment but he would just shrug his shoulders and say – one day I will be making money online and you losers will still be wasting your lives away working for someone else.
Pretty soon we saw that James seemed to be doing just fine while all of us were scared to death about the economy. Every time they talked about the recession on CNN, we were glued to it and James seemed to be ignoring it, busy messing around with his new iPhone. Maybe there was something to this make money online stuff.
When I lost my job, I was scared out of my wits. You see my wife was 6 months pregnant with our first kid and I had absolutely no idea how I was going to be able to take care of them, not to mention the fact that the rent was due in 2 weeks and my car payment was due in 3.
Desperate and hopeless, I called up James and asked him for help. I told him I was sorry for making fun of him and would he help me get started.
He told me not to worry bout it – we had been friends since the 1st grade after all, then he

Maverick Money Makers was built to help people just like you and me who want to make money online working from the comfort of their home. It is a private membership site run by self made internet millionaire Mack Michaels, who has already made a fortune for himself and now wants to help you to earn a good income from home.
Each month, Mack teaches his members the most effective techniques to make money online.
There are many different ways that you can make money online from home. Maverick Money Makers teaches you all about:
- Getting Paid from Affiliate Programs like Clickbank and Commission Junction
- Niche Marketing
- Creating Your Own Information Products
- Writing articles and other content for money
- plus a heck of a lot more
What I like about Maverick Money Makers
1. Mack Michaels. His teaching is amazing. The guy makes incredible, easy to follow videos that show you step by step: how to get started, what to do to make money online and the online scams you should avoid.
2. It's super easy for anyone even a complete newbie like me to follow exactly what he says so we can duplicate his success.
3. I love the full time support and the monthly training (as a matter of fact they make new videos all the time so the site never gets old).
What I did not like about Maverick Money Makers
I may sound stupid for saying this but there is not one thing bad I can say about Maverick Money Makers. I followed Macks advice and within 3 weeks I was pulling down 1000.00 a week – thats more than I ever made waiting tables. In my second month, I am now up to 2000 a week and I have no plans to stop.
My family will be well taken care of forever now! Thanks to Maverick Money Makers I am completely free and independent.
Maverick Money Makers rocks! I give it 10 stars out of 10. If you want to secure your own freedom, I highly recommend you join right now!