We all know that placing ads on your blog can make you a substantial amount of money.

Reasons I like Bidvertiser
- Bidvertiser's payout is only $10 which is a lot better than Adsense's $100. This allows people to receive payment more frequently. Many blogs take a while to generate $100 dollars in earnings so $10 looks more friendly is easier to achieve.
- Bidvertiser pays by check. For some people who don't have Paypal like me, this is a huge advantage because it allows me to monetize my blog.
- For people who have blogs or websites that pertain to making money online, Bidvertiser is for you. I have learned that for these kinds of sites, Bidvertiser outperforms Google Adsense by a fair amount.
Using Adsense and Bidvertiser
There are a number of people who use Bidvertiser along with Google Adsense. This is a great idea because it diversifies the ads and gives you two places to make money from. From what I have heard and read, the results are pretty good for this.
Referral Program
- When a user signs as an advertiser and first spends $10, we'll credit your account with $5. When that same advertiser spends $50, you will be credited with an additional $20.
- When a user signs as a publisher and first earns $10, we'll credit your account with $10. When that same publisher earns $50, you will be credited with an additional $40.
If you have had problems with Adsense you might want to consider Bidvertiser. It's reliable and can really help your blog make money.
My Blog: http://www.myonlinesurveys.blogspot.com.