If you would like to know a truly excellent and the most effective way to writing bullets that builds mental tension in your prospect to the point which they have to buy your product to discover the answer... then this will be the most important post you will ever read through out the whole day.

And here is why,
Let's face it... Every single marketers online will tell you the headline is the single most important sentence you will ever write in a sales copy or a sales letter, in fact this is so true to all advertising publication in this world. Just because it is so important, almost everyone out there thinks, the very first sentence to write in a sales copy or sales letter is a...
Killer Headline That Literally
Grabs The Prospects Lapels And
Get Them To Read !
Grabs The Prospects Lapels And
Get Them To Read !
But the truth is "No." Writing a killer headline, should be the last to do. I'm not going to address why the headline should be written last... in this particular post, I will in the future, as for now, I'm going to tell you, the very first thing you need to write in a sales copy or a sales letter and that is...
A Set Of World-Class Bullets
That Kills !
That Kills !
Yes! You read that right. What I'm referring is a dot or asterisk with a sentence next to it, below is an example of well written world-class bullets:
- How to nail the passionate "sweet spot" of your customer with master-class sales copy! (You'll gain instant trust because he feels you're "just like family.")
- The one envelope that no one in the history of civilization has ever NOT opened!
- How to write a killer headline that stops your intended audience cold! (Find the right "trigger" words that will pinch your reader on the ass and force her to drop everything to read your ad..)
- How to create your own perfect product over a short weekend... so you can start earning your fortune even if you don't have a real business or anything to sell yet!
Bullets Written By,
John Carlton
"The Most Ripped-Off Copywriter On The Web..."
John Carlton
"The Most Ripped-Off Copywriter On The Web..."
What you have just read from the example above, is a world-class bullets written by John Carlton, and believe it or not, John Carlton, is by far, in my opinion...
The Best Copywriter In The World
In Creating World-Class Bullets
That Tickle The "Prospects Hot Buttons"
To The Point Of Frenzy !
In Creating World-Class Bullets
That Tickle The "Prospects Hot Buttons"
To The Point Of Frenzy !
Creating bullets is the very first work you will ever do in creating a superior world-class sales copy or a sales letter. You might be asking why is that so? The fact that it is so, because....
The Only Reason People Buy
What You Are Selling
From A Sales Copy Or A Sales Letter
For The Most Part Is Because Of
The Quality Of The Bullets !
What You Are Selling
From A Sales Copy Or A Sales Letter
For The Most Part Is Because Of
The Quality Of The Bullets !
Before I go deeper into what I'm going to teach you, let me tell you something straight, learning to write a successful set of world-class bullets for your sales copy or sales letter....
Is Not An Even But
A Process !
A Process !
And "process" takes time, this is not an overnight dream, so it doesn't mean after you had finish reading this post you will be a total professional in writing bullets, like those scam marketers out there told you. The process I'm about to show you is taught by a world top-copywriter named, Gary Halbert, also known by many as the "Prince Of Print." Believe me...
This Learning Process Will Serve You Well
For Whatever Online Business You Had
For The Rest Of Your Life !
For Whatever Online Business You Had
For The Rest Of Your Life !
The first thing you need to do is to get as many world-class bullets as possible and write each and every word down on paper. The reason for doing that is to get a neurological imprint of writing those world-class bullets..
I highly recommend you to read John Carlton's sales letter and read and write his world-class bullets and keep them as your swipe files.. Believe me, there are no secrets or shortcut to writing a world-class bullets. The only way you'll acquire this skill is through a lot of practice.
The second thing you need is, what I, The Bad Blogger, call...
Seductive Opening Phrase !
I had seen too many sales letter, use too much of the four Ws. The four Ws are, "What," "Why," "When," and "Where." These four Ws have been use to often, and people are sick of reading them. I'm going to give you some of my collection of seductive open phrase, use them well.
- How to...
- The 7-step formula....
- Insider tips from...
- A truly "no brainer..."
- The absolutely essential...
- The single most important...
- The real reason why...
- Proven ways to...
- The art of...
- The one huge mistakes...
- The number one rule...
- The secrets of...
- The specific secrets of...
- The amazing reason why...
- The "personal' secret behind the...
- The single most easy and simple way...
- The two almost unknown secrets...
- A scientifically proven...
- The 10 most common...
- A dead "give away" which...
- A secret almost nobody...
- Three sure-fire ways to....
- A little know foreplay secret...
- The one best way to win....
- A simple 3 second "trick" to...
- Four incredibly easy ways to...
- The very-first ever...
"How To..." Is The Number One Proven
Seductive Opening Phrase
To Be Use For Writing A World-Class Bullet
For The Last 30 Years Or So !
Seductive Opening Phrase
To Be Use For Writing A World-Class Bullet
For The Last 30 Years Or So !
And I will tell you why right now. It is because people do not know how to do what they are doing, in fact "how to" usually give people an "aha!" experience in their mental tension mind. Okay, by now you should had a basic theory of writing a world-class bullet. Now I'm going to go to the last lesson for today and it is...
Writing Teasing Brackets !
This is quite the same as writing a bullet, it is an added sentence after the main sentence to tease the prospect. It look something like this:
- The one mistakes that even pro golfers make that kills the power in their down-stroke... and how to use a simple, easy "adjustment" that will instantly increase your power by 200% or more! (Imagine consistently hitting 300 yard drives, and nailing greens from 150 yards out with a nine iron!)
Practice Makes Perfect !
Well, I think that's the end for today's lesson, I hope you take my words to heart.
P..S It’s just as hard to write a world-class bullet as it is to become famous and wealthy, all I can say is whatever you do right now, is a process you definitely need to go through before you even get to see the event!