If you weren’t already known about using articles to earn passive income, it is where you write and publish articles once and later they will earn money for you continuously. This means that you can make money from an article that you wrote 6 months ago.
There are a number of options of generating passive income using articles. Before looking at these options, it is important for you to know that the articles written for this purpose wouldn't earn you profit instantly. The earning will start coming in soon, but it may take some time (5 days, 10 days, 1 month, etc).
Publish Articles on Revenue Sharing Article Directories
One of the most common ways to earn passive income is by publishing your articles on the AdSense revenue sharing article directories. These are the article directories that let you place your Google AdSense ads on your article pages to earn Ad revenue. Usually the sharing term is your AdSense ads will appear on 50% of the page view of your article pages. So, once you published some interesting articles, these articles will attract traffic from time to time which will earn you AdSense revenue constantly. The article directories that share revenue are Articlesrevenue.com and Articlecodex.com and Shareyourexpertise.com.
Write for WorldVillage Bloggers Network
There is also a blog network called WorldVillage Bloggers Network that shares 50% of AdSense revenue. It is owned by the famous AdSense e-book author, Joel Comm. Joel has been building

I was an author of WorldVillage Bloggers Network and published about ten articles on the network one and the half year ago. Those articles that I published really generate traffic and they earned me about $35 monthly AdSense for a consecutive of 6 months. If I have the time to write on a regular basis, then I may be able to earn tripple or more of that AdSense figure every month from this network.
To become an author of WorldVillage Bloggers Network , you may got to http://blog.worldvillage.com/sys/signup2.cgi to send your application. You need to include a sample of your work in the application.