Thursday, June 3, 2010

LogoMyWay Gives You the Best Logo for Your E-Business

Logo is certainly necessary when you are creating an online business. It represents the identity of your business. Thinks of the products and services you buy and use in your life, all the companies that you bought from probably have a good logo which can be the sign of trust and dependability to customers. So for a new business or an existing business on the Internet, a well-designed logo will certainly help enhance the business branding and performance.

Getting a logo for your online business isn't difficult. Hiring a logo designer or logo design company seems to be the best solution. You pay the charge and a logo will create for you. However, there is only one designer creating the logo with only a single design. You could end up getting a logo that you aren't completely satisfied with but paid the expensive charge. For these reasons, has come up some special services where customers are ensuring to get the best logo for their online business, website or blog.

LogoMyWay made logo creation process interesting. When you need a well-designed logo that fits your business, you simply start a logo contest in LogoMyWay. You'll tell what your business is about and what design you are looking for. Subsequently your logo contest will put into live in the marketplace of LogoMyWay where hundreds of designers will participate your contest and create a unique logo for you. You can then decide which logo is the best from the hundreds of designs by the participants and announce the winner. The winning designer will send you the logo and you pay a cash prize to the winner. The minimum cash prize is $200. For more quality design, you may set your cash prize higher.

By starting a logo design contest in LogoMyWay, you'll get the most ideal custom logo which will help enhance your online business reputation.

Latest update: Even BP, the global oil company is using LogoMyWay to run a logo contest to have their logo redesigned.

There are also ready-made logos for sale in LogoMyWay. These logos were created by hundreds of designers around the world. All designs are guaranteed to be unique. So, if you aren't interested in the logo contest or you are in hurry of getting a new logo, you can search around the marketplace of LogoMyWay. I'm sure you'll find a quality design there and you can instantly purchase the logo.

So if you need a logo, LogoMyWay is certainly a good solution.

Make Money Online with LogoMyWay

LogoMyWay has built a worldwide designer community. If are specializing in logo design, you could be part of the community and make money providing unique logo to the clients of LogoMyWay. Looking at the designer sign up form of LogoMyWay, there is no restriction of who can join the designer community. Anyone from anywhere can sign up as long as they have the logo designing skill.

There are two ways to make money online in LogoMyWay. The first way is to participate into the on-going logo contests of LogoMyWay. You’ll create your logo and if the customer chooses your logo as the winning design, you’ll win the cash prize.

But if you aren’t winning, the logo that you created for participating the contest isn’t wasted. You can list the logo in the LogoMyWay marketplace for sale. Later if anyone picks your logo and buys it, you’ll get paid.

More details about how to make money in LogoMyWay can be found here.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

What Could Make Your Online Business Fails

We often see or hear of people who have made hundreds of thousands and even millions of dollars using the Internet alone. We more often hear of those who lose their last pennies trying to get their online business to take off. This in mind, it’s easy to believe making money online happens by complete chance, though this couldn’t be farther from the truth. Below are a few of the most obvious reasons why so many people fail to earn a substantial income, if any at all, via the World Wide Web.

The most common reason for failure in not only online business, but all business, is lack of focus. This is especially evident in the world of online commerce since there are endless successful methods one can use to start up their online business. When one method begins to get a little tough, the easily distracted move on to the next method in hopes it will be easier or will produce results more quickly. The truth is that each and every one of the successful methods is based on complete dedication and following through in order to work.

Another overly common cause for failure is ignoring advice from the experts. People spend hundreds of dollars on books and seminars, eagerly seeking answers from those who have already succeeded at the goal at hand, yet when the time comes to apply their newly acquired insight, it is suddenly inappropriate or inapplicable or impossible. Entrepreneurs couldn’t make a more counterproductive move than to study their successors and then disregard their strategies. Avoid this by realizing that the only way to know if something works is to simply try it.

Almost every online business is created from the comfort of home, causing many to believe that working from home is comparable to lounging at home. Naturally, this approach can cause a new business to inevitably meet with failure, so it is essential to be prepared to take your online business seriously before taking the plunge and staying home to work.

One of the driving forces behind the most successful business owners in history is their absolute, unwavering passion to succeed. Without passion, it is a chore to remain focused; and without focus, it is nearly impossible to attain success. Disappointment and frustration are bound to make occasional appearances in attempts to bring your venture to its doom; however, presenting intense passion for achieving your goal for financial freedom will help overcome any and all such obstacles.

Starting a business is a huge responsibility that takes a pretty solid grasp of several different subjects in order to be properly executed. The phrase “there is power in knowledge” is most relative to entrepreneurship as you can never know too much about what you do. Striving to continuously learn more and more about your industry, your clients, and your product or service can do nothing but remove hindrances from any type of business, online and off.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Fortitude - A New Online Money Making Opportunity for People Who like to Write

The Internet is going to have a new online magazine. Fortitude is set to be launched on 7th June. Fortitude is really a new concept. It is a magazine for the people, by the people. It means all the content and pieces published on Fortitude are sourced from the users or members of Fortitude.

The users of Fortitude can be you or me. Anyone can join the Fortitude content community. By becoming a member of Fortitude, you can contribute as many content and pieces in any topic as you want to Fortitude. Other members in the community Fortitude will review your content. If your content gets good reviews, then it will publish on the homepage of Fortitude. Also, as a member of the Fortitude, you too can review content and pieces of other members.

There is no editorial and publishing department in the Fortitude. All content of this online magazine are user-generated with a review system to make sure the best content are featuring on the front page of Fortitude.

If you have been writing on the Internet for a while or haven't contributing anything on the Internet but enjoying writing, then you can try writing for Fortitude. Fortitude is paying members for contributing content. They pay 10.00 ~ $100.00 for each piece or article published on their Front Page.

Any content can be submitted. It can be an article, a short story, an essay, or even a rant. Also any topic is acceptable as long as the content is family-friendly. Originality and unique are important. Make sure that you are submitting something that was really created by you and hasn't been published on anywhere.

Besides publishing pieces, you are also getting paid for reviewing other members' works and pieces. The review process is simple and straight-forward. You read the entire piece of the member and based on your own judgment, select a score of 1 - 10 and your review is completed. Each review you’ve done will earn you $0.02.

Fortitude is now opened for people to sign up. If you want to try this opportunity, visit now to apply for an account. You can publishing and reviewing content starting 7th Jun then.

Is Fortitude free to join?

I believe the owner of Fortitude, Nick Oba wants to make his online magazine site complete free to the users and members. But as the site is new, Nick needs to charge a little membership fee to ensure the development and growth of the site. It's just $1.99 per month to become a member of Fortitude to contribute and review content.

The charge is also set to avoid spam issue like people try to create duplicate account and Fortitude is going to need some money to fund his affiliate program for expanding the member community of Fortitude quickly.

The Affiliate Program of Fortitude is Free

Signing up for a full account in Fortitude costs $1.99 per month but if you just want to take part in the affiliate program, you can just sign up for a Scout Account (affiliate account) completely free to promote Fortitude and earn commission.

Fortitude is offering quite a favorable commission to their affiliates. They are paying $20 for each new paid member that is referred by you. Paid member is the member who pays the $1.99 subscription fee to open a full account at Fortitude. The Fortitude affiliate program is new, but Nick is already added a bunch of appealing banner ads where you can use to promote Fortitude and earn affiliate commission.

Learn More about How to Make Money with Fortitude